Join us on Sunday, September 8 from 7-8 pm in the Church, for a Eucharistic Holy Hour for Peace, as we commemorate the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, remember those who lost their lives, and pray for peace in the world.
Join Fr. Jeff on Wednesday evening, September 11 at 7:30 pm in the Church Basement "TV room" for a discussion of Bishop Robert Barron's recent book, Letter to a Suffering Church. Our hope is that it will be an open, respectful conversation that supports healing and helps us to find a way forward together. *Please note: This event is intended only for those who have read Bishop Barron's book. If you have not received a copy and are interested, please contact us.
Thursday, August 15 is the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a holyday of obligation. Masses will be offered at Holy Trinity on Wednesday at 7 pm and Thursday at 12:15 pm. For additional local Mass times, see the full schedule on our homepage or Mass Times page. There is a collection for the Assumption; our online giving option is now available.